IQL Technologies

Get free website for your organisation
with our Digital Ummat program

Just pay for domain and hosting,
and we will create a website and maintain it for you!

Only Available for Eligible Organizations.

Why is it free?

We have a list of volunteers from our staff members who are willing to do free community services for certain causes (listed above). 

How does it work?

Just like a regular website project, we will assign you a designer/developer who will work with you in their spare time. 


  • When you apply, we determine whether we can work for you or not based on various factors which may be disclosed or undisclosed.
  • There will be no time boundation. If you have a time-sensitive project, get a regular project
  • If the work involves extensive updation and is time-taking, a paid project may be suggested or an additional maintenance charge may be charged.
  • Source Code / Migration can’t be requested
  • Credits must be proivided to program and developer everywhere
  • Hosting and domain must be purchased from us or whereever we suggests.
  • Terms and charges can be updated anytime

Which organizations are eligible?

  • Free Education Centers
  • Charitable NGOs
  • Masjid
  • Madrasa